Supporting My Small Business
Means YOU Are Supporting
My BIG Dreams!

The story of how this logo came to be couldn’t be more perfect!
Back in 2020, when this small business was just taking off as a way for my parents to boost my confidence and skill, an acquaintance at the time sent us a message saying that she’d like to design a logo just for me!

Because she believes in my dreams and is so proud of me!

That acquaintance has since become a close friend who brought life to my big dreams by just a simple act of kindness.
Her heart of gold, like her talent in graphic design, is unmatched!
Sandra | Just A Spark Design

Seeing friends, family and fans wearing my merch & proudly supporting my business by wearing my trademarked logo is absolutely amazing!

A million times over,
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!

Gen’s Kreations Merch!
Few hoodies and t-shirts available in youth and adult sizes.
Email us today to purchase yours!
